I have had to take my wife to dialysis three times a week since October 2023. We have to leave at 4:30 a.m. Her scheduled time is 5:15 a.m. As I travel back home after dropping her off, I run into SRS traffic on highway 125. The posted speed limit is 55 mph. If you run 55 mph you will be passed by everyone. You must travel in excess of 65 mph just to keep from stalling traffic.

I find this to be very excessive.

For a company that is supposed to practice safety both on and off the job, I find that to be a crock when these folks are going to and from work. I guess their safety doesn't count then. I was running around 65 mph when two cars came up behind me and were flashing their lights for me to speed up. They were so close, I couldn't even see their lights. I tapped my brakes so they would back off.

I worked at SRS for 32 years. I always tried to observe the speed limit. I ran about 60 mph in a 55 mph zone. Never in excess of 60 mph. Something needs to be done about this. The S.C. Highway Patrol needs to be on Highway 125 from 5 to 7 a.m. They sure could make Carolina some good money on Highway 125. These folks are running 65 mph plus.

I'm running between 60 and 65 and getting flashed, passed and sometimes a finger wave by the mid finger. Not very safety conscious people to me. I am just a concerned citizen voicing my opinion.

Richard Young


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